Privacy Policy

Name and address of the person responsible

see imprint.

Name and address of the data protection officer

The internal data protection officer of the controller is:
Mr. Alexander Schoninger

This Privacy Policy describes the collection, use, sharing, storage and protection of your personal information. It applies to any application, service or tool that references this Privacy Policy, regardless of how you access or use the services, including access via mobile devices.

By using our websites and using our advertising services and our services, you accept this privacy policy and expressly consent to the collection, use, storage and protection of your personal data as described in this privacy policy.

We only collect and store personal data to the extent that this is absolutely necessary. When collecting, processing, using and sharing your personal data, we adhere to the European General Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR) and the Telemedia Act (TMG). Below you will be informed about what type of data is collected and for what purpose it is collected:

Security of your data

The personal data you provide to us is secured by taking all technical and organizational security measures to ensure that it is inaccessible to unauthorized third parties. When sending very sensitive data or information, we recommend using the postal service, as complete data security cannot be guaranteed via email.

1. Handling customer data

Personal data, in particular name, address, telephone number, email address and images, are only collected and processed if you provide this information voluntarily, e.g. as part of an inquiry, advertisement placement or other order. The data is stored in our customer systems, which are not accessible to unauthorized third parties. We will only pass on this data to the extent that it is necessary to fulfill our contractually owed services. Any further use of personal data and the collection of additional information generally requires the separate consent of the person concerned.

Legal basis for processing

All customer data is collected and stored on the basis of your consent within the meaning of Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. a GDPR in conjunction with Art. 9 Para. 1 and Art. 9 Para. 2 lit. a GDPR. This data is also processed as part of the performance of our contractually owed services within the meaning of Art. 6 Para. 1 lit b GDPR. An exception applies in cases in which the processing of the data is permitted by law.

Consent process

After placing an order, you will receive a link from us by email that is active for a period of 48 hours. You can use this link to give us the necessary consent to collect and store your personal data. If you do not do this within 48 hours, we will remind you by email. The email will be sent to the address you left when you made your initial inquiry or placed your order. You must ensure that this email address is correct. The customer’s consent to data processing for contractual purposes is deemed to have been given as soon as a check mark is placed in the link box. As part of this process, we save your master data (name, address, email address, telephone number, images) and other customer data you have provided about you. In addition, we automatically have access to the following data, which we do not store unless we need it to fulfill our contractually owed service:

Your browser data (browser type and version)
MAC address
IP address
Operating system and device information as well as other derivable user data

According to Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. a GDPR, your consent is required to process personal data lawfully. If you do not give us the required consent on the basis of the process described above, we will store your personal data at least on the basis of Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. b GDPR in order to fulfill our contractual obligations.

Duration of data storage

After the contract has been fully processed, which usually ends after the advertising has been placed, we will remove the publicly available data from our website. The data will only be stored in our customer system for as long as it is required for your contractual purpose. Due to recurring follow-up orders, the data will be stored in our company customer system until the time you revoke your consent.

We cannot guarantee complete data security from the time of publication of your data. In particular, due to the numerous visits to our website by third parties, we cannot rule out that the information you provide (in particular address, telephone number, name, pictures, etc.) may be copied, duplicated, stored or passed on.

Opportunities to object

Unless there are any necessary reasons in connection with a business transaction, you can revoke your previously granted consent to the storage of your personal data with immediate effect at any time in writing (e.g. by email or fax) (according to Art. 21 GDPR). Your personal data (telephone number, email address, place of residence, images, ad texts) will then be deleted immediately from our customer system – taking into account the retention periods under tax and commercial law.

You can also notify us of important changes to your data in writing. In accordance with applicable law, you can also ask us at any time whether and what personal data we have stored about you. You will receive a corresponding notification immediately after your request.

2. Handling access data and server log files
Every time you access our website and each time you access the content stored on our website, your browser transmits data that is automatically recorded by our system.

Legal basis for processing
The legal basis for the collection and temporary storage of data and log files is Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR. By visiting and using our website, you agree to the collection and temporary storage of data.
Data transmission and logging

The following data is transmitted and automatically recorded each time you access/call up the site:

Browser type and version
Operating system used
IP address of the requesting computer
Date/time of access
Client’s file request (file name and URL) Amount
of data transferred
Message whether the access/retrieval was successful
Name of your Internet service provider

The data is also stored in the log files of our system. This data is not stored together with other personal data of the user.

Purpose of data processing

The temporary storage of the IP address by the system is necessary to enable the website to be delivered to the user’s computer. For this purpose, the user’s IP address must remain stored for the duration of the session.

In individual cases, this data is also stored for statistical purposes. It will not be used for any other purpose or passed on to third parties for commercial or non-commercial purposes. We reserve the right to subsequently check the data listed if there is a suspicion of illegal use of our services.

The data is stored in log files to ensure the functionality of the website. We also use the data to optimize the website and to ensure the security of our information technology systems. These purposes also constitute our legitimate interest in data processing in accordance with Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR.

Duration of data storage

The access data is deleted as soon as it is no longer required to achieve the purpose for which it was collected. If the data is collected to provide the website, this is the case when the respective session has ended.

When storing data in log files, this is the case after seven days at the latest. Storage beyond this period is possible. In this case, the users’ IP addresses are altered so that it is no longer possible to assign the calling client.

Possibility of objection and removal

The collection of data and the storage of data in log files is essential for the operation of the website. Consequently, the user has no possibility of objection.

3. Newsletter

The following information provides information about the content of our newsletter, the registration and dispatch process, and your rights of objection as a recipient. By subscribing to our free newsletter, you agree to receive it and to the process of our newsletter system.

Legal basis for processing

Consent to receive the newsletter by email is based on Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR and Section 7 (2) No. 3 or (3) UWG. The use of shipping service providers, the performance of statistical analyses and the logging of the registration process are based on Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR. We strive to use a secure, user-friendly system that meets your expectations as a recipient of our newsletter.

Content of the newsletter

We only send newsletters, emails and other electronic notifications with advertising information (hereinafter “newsletters”) with the consent of the recipient. Our newsletters contain information about discounts, vouchers, competitions, photo and video updates as well as all news or announcements about new clubs, ladies or events. Newsletters are usually only sent by email to the email address provided by the respective subscriber.

Opt-in and logging

Registration for our newsletter is done using a so-called double opt-in process. This means that after registration you will receive an email asking you to confirm your registration. This confirmation is necessary so that no one can register using someone else’s email address.

The respective newsletter registrations are logged in order to be able to prove the registration process in accordance with legal requirements. This includes storing the registration and confirmation time, as well as the IP address. Changes to your data stored by the respective service provider are also logged.

Third-party service providers for newsletter distribution

The newsletter dispatch was developed by us and is usually carried out directly by our company. However, we reserve the right to use other newsletter dispatch services from third-party providers. In this case, we will of course make a careful selection and only use those offers whose procedures ensure that your data is processed securely in accordance with the current EU data protection regulations.

As part of the newsletter subscription, your email address, your name and other data automatically recorded by our system are stored on the servers of the third-party service providers. This data is used to send and evaluate the newsletter. Third-party service providers can also use this information to improve their own services, e.g. to technically optimize delivery or to improve the visual presentation of the newsletter. The data is also stored for commercial purposes, such as to determine the countries of origin of the respective recipients. However, third-party service providers do not use your data to write to you as a newsletter recipient or to pass this information on to third parties.

We will only use services from newsletter distribution platforms that are subject to the EU data protection requirements of the GDPR. We trust in the reliability as well as the IT and data security of the third-party service providers we have carefully selected.

Purpose of data processing

When you subscribe to our newsletter, technical information and data is retrieved from the third-party provider’s servers. This includes in particular your IP address, the time of retrieval and information about your system and browser. Based on the reading habits and retrieval locations/times determined in this way, service improvements can be made and content can be adapted. In addition, statistical data may be recorded on whether and when the newsletter was opened and which links were clicked.

The purpose of collecting the user’s email address is to deliver the newsletter.

Login details

To register for the free newsletter, all you need to do is provide your full name (first and last name) and your email address. This information is only used to personalize the newsletter.

We use all information only to adapt the content of the newsletter to the interests of our readers.

Duration of data storage

The data will be deleted as soon as it is no longer required to achieve the purpose for which it was collected. The user’s email address will therefore be stored as long as the newsletter subscription is active.

Possibility of objection

We would like to point out that you can object to the future processing of your personal data for the purpose of receiving the newsletter at any time in accordance with the legal requirements (according to Art. 21 GDPR). This will also invalidate your consent to the sending of the newsletter by third parties and the statistical analyses. You will find a link to cancel at the end of each newsletter. Otherwise, a written cancellation by email is sufficient. In particular, the objection can also be made against processing for direct marketing purposes.

4. Handling registrations, comments and contributions

If there is a contact form on our website or you have the option to register or create a user account, the personal data you provide in the input mask will be transmitted to us and stored as part of such a process (in addition to the automatically collected technical data). This usually involves

First and last name (if provided)
User names
Postal addresses (if provided)
Telephone numbers (if provided)
Email addresses (if provided)
Bank details (if provided)
Other personal data that must be provided as part of registrations, log-in areas, order forms or registrations

In this context, the data will not be passed on to third parties. The data will be used exclusively for processing the conversation.

Legal basis for processing

The legal basis for the processing of data is Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR if the user has given their consent.

The legal basis for the processing of data transmitted when sending an email is Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR. If the email contact is aimed at concluding a contract, the additional legal basis for processing is Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR.

Purpose of data processing

The processing of personal data from the input mask serves us solely to process the contact. In the case of contact by email, this also constitutes the necessary legitimate interest in processing the data.

The personal data processed during log-ins, registrations or when using our contact form during the sending process serve to prevent misuse of the contact form and to ensure the security of our information technology systems. The IP address is stored solely for the purposes of the legal requirements placed on us as the operator of the website. We must be able to verify your IP address so that we can check it in criminal cases. In addition, the collection of this data is necessary in order to be able to offer our services at all.

Furthermore, your registration data will only be used for internal company analysis purposes, e.g. for statistical evaluation of user behavior. We will of course not pass this data on to third parties without your consent, unless we are legally obliged to do so or the transfer serves to clarify a legal violation.

Online comments or contributions are published either with the registered real name (first and last name) or a pseudonym (nickname) selected by the comment author. Your full name is therefore only visible to other users if you enter it as your user name during registration. If you do not want your real name to be published, we recommend selecting a pseudonym.

Duration of storage

The data will be deleted as soon as it is no longer required to achieve the purpose for which it was collected. This is usually the case for the data collected during the registration process when the registration on our website is canceled or changed.

Even after the registration process, it may be necessary to store the contractual partner’s personal data in order to comply with legal obligations.

Opportunities to object

The user is entitled to object to the use of personal data at any time (according to Art. 21 GDPR). This includes in particular name, email address and other personal user data. To do so, simply send an email to the email address provided in the imprint or to the data protection officer.

In this case, all personal data stored during the contact process will be deleted. In such a case, the conversation cannot be continued.

6. SSL encryption

Our website is encrypted using the so-called SSL procedure (Secure Socket Layer), so that confidential and personal content from our users as well as personal data are transmitted securely. Data encrypted using SSL cannot be read by third parties. You can recognize the SSL encryption by the “https://” display in your browser line.

7. Use of cookies

In order to make our websites more effective, secure and user-friendly and to make it easier for you to use our websites, we use so-called cookies. These are small text files that are stored on your computer’s hard drive.

When a user visits a website, a cookie can be stored on the user’s operating system. This cookie contains a characteristic string of characters that allows the browser to be uniquely identified when the website is visited again.

Legal basis for processing

The legal basis for the processing of personal data using cookies for analysis purposes is – based on the consent given by the user – Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. a GDPR. The legal basis for the processing of personal data using technically necessary cookies is Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f. GDPR.

Cookie usage

We may use cookies to create anonymized profiles. These are then used for target group marketing, where the delivery of advertising material is tailored to the behavior shown (e.g. websites visited, the type of articles read, clicks, etc.). All of our cookies are completely anonymized and do not contain any personal data. Cookies are also used to show you content and advertising based on your interests.

We therefore use the data obtained via cookies exclusively to optimize advertising delivery, to limit the frequency of repetition of advertising material, to display content and advertising tailored to your interests, to form anonymous user groups based on interests and for statistical evaluation in order to be able to better adapt our offering to the interests of our users.

Possibility of objection

If you do not agree to our use of cookies, you can deactivate the storage and use of your interests (according to Art. 21 GDPR). Most browsers are set by default to automatically accept cookies. However, you can deactivate the storage of cookies or set your browser to notify you when cookies are sent.

However, we would like to point out that as a result of the above setting you will only be able to use our website with restrictions.

8. Links to other websites

Our online offering may contain links to other websites or other services such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+ or YouTube. In this regard, the data protection provisions of the respective providers of the websites or services apply. We have no influence on whether they adhere to the data protection provisions.

Social Plugins

Our websites use links to social network services such as Facebook, Google+, Instagram and the microblogging service Twitter. These services are offered by the companies Facebook Inc., Google Inc., Twitter Inc. and Instagram LLC. (“Providers”).

Facebook is operated by Facebook Inc., 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA (“Facebook”). An overview of Facebook plugins and their appearance can be found here:

Google+ is operated by Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA (“Google”). An overview of Google’s plugins and what they look like can be found here:

Twitter is operated by Twitter Inc, 1355 Market St, Suite 900, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA (“Twitter”). An overview of the Twitter buttons and their appearance can be found here:

Instagram is operated by Instagram LLC, 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA (“Instagram”). An overview of the Instagram plugins and their appearance can be found here:

The above-mentioned social plugins are not directly integrated into our websites, but rather there are only links to the respective services of the above-mentioned network providers. If you access a page on our website that contains such a link, your browser does not establish a direct connection to the Facebook, Google, Twitter or Instagram servers. This means that no information (including your IP address) can be transmitted to the providers in the USA.

Only if you log in to one of the services can the providers directly assign the visit to our websites to your profile on Facebook, Google+, Twitter or Instagram. The information and data (including your IP address) are then transmitted from your browser directly to a server of the respective provider in the USA and stored there.

We also use the Google Maps function, a service of Google Inc., USA, CA 94043, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, to display an interactive map. If you use Google Maps on our websites, information about your use of these websites and your IP address may be transmitted to a server in the USA and stored on this server. We have no knowledge of the exact content of the transmitted data or the extent to which it is used by Google. Google Inc. denies linking the data with information from other Google services. However, the company may transmit the information to third parties or use it to identify individual users. It is therefore possible that Google Inc. processes personal data and personality profiles of users over which we have no influence.

By using our websites, you expressly consent to the collection and processing of information by Google Inc. as described above. Agreed.

The purpose and scope of data collection and the further processing and use of the data by the named providers as well as your rights and setting options for protecting your privacy can be found in the data protection information of the respective providers.

Facebook privacy policy:
Google privacy policy:
Twitter privacy policy:
Instagram privacy policy:
Privacy policy and terms of use for Google Maps:

Opportunities to object

We would like to point out that you can object to the future processing of your personal data at any time in accordance with the legal requirements (according to Art. 21 GDPR).

You can prevent Google Maps from running and data transfer by deactivating JavaScript in your browser. However, you will then not be able to use the map display on our respective website.

There is no possibility of objection with regard to the linked third-party services, as no personal data is processed during this process.

9. Transfer of personal data to third parties

Data will only be passed on to third parties within the scope of the clauses described above and for the purposes described therein.
Any further data will not be sent without your prior, express consent. However, we reserve the right to transmit data to third parties without consent if this is necessary to avert threats to public order or for criminal prosecution. Of course, data will only be passed on if the requesting party has the authorization to do so. If one of the latter reasons applies, the personal data you have provided will be passed on, in particular to the responsible law enforcement and supervisory authority.

Furthermore, all data is automatically forwarded to RTO GmbH, Hanauer Landstraße 439, 60314 Frankfurt aM. The automatic data transfer is based on a contract between the owner of this website and RTO GmbH. In the opposite case, all data that is stored directly by the RTO GmbH servers is also transmitted to the owner of this website.

RTO GmbH will treat all data securely in accordance with the applicable data protection regulations and will not pass it on to third parties without your prior consent. Further information on RTO GmbH’s data protection policy can be found at the following link:

Your personal data will not be passed on to third parties, especially not for advertising purposes. We will not use your stored data for advertising or marketing purposes and will not sell it to third parties unless you give us your express consent beforehand.

10. Rights of the data subjects

If your personal data is processed, you are a data subject within the meaning of the GDPR and you have various rights vis-à-vis the controller:

Data subjects in the narrower sense are in particular users/visitors to our website, registrants, buyers and customers or other persons whose personal data we collect, process and/or store. The data subject has the following rights:

Right to information (Art. 15 GDPR)

ie you can request confirmation from us at any time as to whether and how personal data concerning you are processed by us

Right to rectification (Art. 16 GDPR)

i.e. you have the right to rectification and/or completion if the personal data concerning you that are processed are incorrect or incomplete. The controller must carry out the rectification immediately.

Right to object (Art. 21 GDPR)

You have the right to object at any time to the processing of personal data concerning you which is carried out on the basis of Art. 6 (1) (e) or (f) GDPR, for reasons related to your particular situation; this also applies to profiling based on these provisions.

Right to erasure (Art. 17 GDPR)

You may request that the controller delete the personal data concerning you immediately and the controller is obliged to delete this data immediately if one of the following reasons applies:

Right to restriction of processing (Art. 18 f. GDPR)
Under certain conditions, you can request that the processing of personal data concerning you be restricted. You can find a list of these conditions in Art. 18 GDPR.

Right to data portability (Art. 20 GDPR)

You have the right to receive the personal data concerning you that you have made available to us in a structured, common and machine-readable format. In addition, you have the right to transmit this data to another controller to whom the personal data was made available without hindrance from us.

You also have the right to revoke your declaration of consent under data protection law at any time. The revocation of the consent does not affect the legality of the processing carried out on the basis of the consent until the revocation (Art. 7 Para. 3 GDPR).

The data subject also has the right to lodge a complaint with a data protection authority (supervisory authority) if he or she considers that the processing of personal data concerning him or her violates the GDPR (Art. 77 GDPR)

For inquiries of this kind, please contact the e-mail address provided in the imprint.

Please note that when making such requests, we need to ensure that it is actually the person concerned.

11. Third-party content and services

On this website you will also find offers or services from third parties. These include, for example, maps from Google Maps, YouTube videos or other external graphic representations. As soon as you use these third-party services via our website, your IP address is recorded for technical reasons. The third-party provider therefore has the option of saving your IP address.
Unfortunately, we have no influence on which service provider actually saves your IP address, be it for statistical or other purposes unknown to us. We will endeavor to only include providers who do not use IP addresses for any other purpose than to deliver the content. Please also note the respective data protection declarations of the individual third-party providers and service providers whose services we use on our website.
The at least short-term storage of the IP address is technically necessary due to the way the Internet works. However, the IP addresses are shortened by 1 byte before being forwarded to third parties and only processed anonymously. The unabridged IP addresses are not transmitted to third parties.

11.1 reCAPTCHA
We use reCAPTCHA on our website, a service from Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA (hereinafter “Google”). The service is a function that allows us to distinguish whether the input was correctly made by a person rather than a computer program with an automatic program sequence. When the query is made, your IP address and other data required for this service are transmitted to Google.
Google will use the information for evaluation purposes. Your IP address, which is transmitted by your browser as part of the reCAPTCHA service, will not be merged with other data from Google.
The company’s different data protection regulations apply to data collection by Google. You can find more information about Google’s data protection guidelines here:

11.2 Google Webfonts
We use so-called Google Webfonts from Google on our website. This is a range of free, open source fonts. These webfonts are integrated by calling a server. These are Google servers in the USA. During this process, technical information may be transmitted to Google, including the IP address of your browser.
Google will use the information for evaluation purposes. Your IP address, which is transmitted by your browser as part of the Google Webfonts service, will not be merged with other data from Google.
You can find more information about Google Webfonts and Google’s privacy policy at the following links:

Legal basis for processing
The purely technical query using reCAPTCHA and the integration of Google Webfonts are carried out with legitimate interest in accordance with Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR.
If you use one of these services and would like to object to the transfer of such sensitive user data to third-party providers, you can send us an email to the email address stated in the imprint.

The objection is based on Art. 21 GDPR.
The automated transmission of purely technical data, e.g. your IP address, is for technical reasons. However, the IP addresses are shortened by 1 byte before any processing and only processed anonymously. There is no right to object to the at least short-term storage of the IP address, as this is technically necessary.

11.3 Google Analytics

Our websites use the functions of Google Analytics from Google.

Legal basis for processing

Website analysis services to improve the efficiency of our website such as Google Analytics, which is operated by Google Inc., require the transfer of personal data about website visitors to the respective third-party providers.

The measurement using Google Analytics by Google Inc. is carried out with legitimate interest in accordance with Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR. The legal basis for the use of third-party cookies is Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR.

Use of data and purpose of processing

Google Analytics uses so-called “cookies”. Cookies are small text files that are stored on your computer and that enable an analysis of your use of the website. The information generated by the cookie about your use of our website and the IP address transmitted by your browser are transferred to a Google server in the USA and stored there. Google will use this information to evaluate your use of the website, to compile reports on website activity for website operators and to provide other services related to website activity and internet usage.

Pseudonymous user profiles can be created from the processed data. Google may also transfer this information to third parties if this is required by law or if third parties process this data on behalf of Google.

We would like to point out that we only use Google Analytics with the extension “_anonymizeIP()” (active IP anonymization). This means that the IP address of users is shortened by Google within member states of the European Union or in other contracting states to the Agreement on the European Economic Area. This guarantees that your IP address is masked so that all data is collected anonymously. Only in exceptional cases is the full IP address transmitted to a Google server in the USA and shortened there. The IP address transmitted by the user’s browser is not merged with other Google data. It is therefore impossible to identify individuals.

By using our websites, you agree to the processing of the data collected about you by Google in the manner and for the purposes set out above.

Further information on Google’s use of data for advertising purposes, setting options and objection options can be found on Google’s websites at the following links: (“Use of data by Google when using websites or partner apps”), (“Use of data for advertising purposes”).

Possibility of objection

You can object to the collection and storage of data by Google Analytics at any time with effect for the future (according to Art. 21 GDPR). You have the option of installing a browser plug-in issued by Google. This is available for various browser versions and can be downloaded at

downloaded and installed. Alternatively, you can prevent the installation of cookies by setting your browser software accordingly.

However, we would like to point out that in these cases you may not be able to use all the functions of our website to their full extent.

11.4 External payment providers
On our website you have the option of selecting various payment methods. We generally offer payment by direct bank transfer, payment on account, cash payment and various payment services via third-party providers. As part of the payment processing and the associated identity and credit check, you usually have to provide various personal data. The data you provide in the input mask is transmitted to us and stored by us. This usually includes
first and last name,
address or postal address,
date of birth,
, email address,
telephone number
, bank details.

Legal basis for processing
We store all data that is sent to us as part of the payment processing on the basis of your consent within the meaning of Art. 6 Paragraph 1 Letter a of GDPR. This data is also processed as part of the fulfillment of our contractually owed services within the meaning of Art. 6 Paragraph 1 Letter b of GDPR.

Since the payment processing also aims at the conclusion of a contract, the additional legal basis for the processing is Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. b GDPR.

Purpose of data processing
Providing this data is necessary in order to process orders. In addition, your data is used to check your address and to draw conclusions about your previous payment behavior as a buyer. Depending on the payment option selected, the data is automatically forwarded to the servers of the respective third-party providers and used there for analysis and evaluation purposes. The third-party service providers may collect probability values ​​for this payment behavior based on a scientifically recognized statistical procedure. The address data can also be used by the third-party provider for this purpose, especially if it turns out that you do not have sufficient creditworthiness.

Possibility of objection
The collection and storage of data can be objected to at any time (according to Art. 21 GDPR). However, we would like to point out that in these cases you will not be able to use the payment methods we offer. It is not possible to make payments without data collection.

12. Validity and topicality of the data protection declaration

By using our website, you consent to the use of data as described above. This privacy statement is currently valid and is dated May 25, 2018, when the European General Data Protection Regulation came into force.

Due to the further development of our website or the implementation of new technologies, it may become necessary to change this privacy policy. We reserve the right to change the privacy policy at any time with effect for the future. We recommend that you read the current privacy policy again from time to time.

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